We convey ancient Asian wisdom to solve modern world's challenges.
Bring the best out of you and unlock your full potential
Leadership is the backbone of an organisation's cultuer, performance and success within any organisation. We want the best out of our leaders.
Authentic leadership cultivate belief, courage, connection and awareness that ultimately ripples throughout organisations and beyond.
Leaders are key for our organisation because they enable our vision and make our dreams into reality.
Our goal with Happiness Coaching is to bring out the best in you and unlock your full potential. Our Coaching are hands-on and focused on positive transformation. Some focusing themes can be the following:
Becoming an authentic you
Creating trust and making a positive impact
Living in times of change
Bringing out the best in others
Embracing openness and awareness for lifelong learning
Cultivating a strong mindset for higher performance
Making difficult decisions at critical times
Any other themes you wish to address
Key outcome: Happiness, Resiliene, Aglility, Performance, Purpose, Alignment, Cultural Change, Capability, Connection, Openess, Awareness, Perspective
We start with a 1 full day workshop in person in group to present you key concepts and demonstrate various exercises.
6 Weeks Practices with Support
Participants commit 15 minutes a day for 6 weeks to practice what they learned in their real daily life. Every week participants focus on 1 exercise to build on their skills. Throughout the week, participants are supported in a chat group.
At the end of the program, participants have the option of a 2 hours in-person or online personal coaching to address the topics that are most relevant to them.
Team Building Event Happiness Coaching
in Nature
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